Prospective Members

How do I join NUEMS? 

NUEMS is open to all students at Northeastern University who have a desire to help people or have an interest in EMS. Students do not have to be EMTs to join the organization. Not only is being an EMT an exciting way to help the sick and injured, but it's also a great introduction to clinical medicine! We accept members at the beginning of each semester.

Membership applications for Spring 2025 are now available! Click here to access the application. To join our mailing list for club updates, meetings, and other events, please click here. Also, please click here to join our Slack!

Then visit our membership page to read more about our group and send us your certifications. The membership page also has a list of resources for everything related to being a member, including links to sign up for events, information about equipment and reciprocity information.

Thank you for your interest in joining NUEMS. We encourage you to explore our site to learn more about our organization and what we do here at Northeastern. Feel free to checkout the slides shown at the information meeting here.

Who are members?

Our members range from experienced EMTs and paramedics who currently work for an ambulance service, to those that are not EMTs, who have no experience and are looking to learn more about EMS. 

Many of our non-EMT members are active in participating with our activities, such as helping teach CPR classes, attending EMT continuing education, attending our clinical lecture series, coming to meetings and trainings, as well as observing as a "third" in our EMT crews. 

Our EMT members also participate in these same activities as well as staffing our varsity sporting events and NU events, such as Homecoming and our annual Spring Fest Concert. Those EMT members that are active within the organization can also receive benefits, like con-ed and BLS.

What is an EMT?

In the case of an emergency, medical care must start before the patient enters the hospital. EMS, Emergency Medical Services, provides pre-hospital medical care to those who have serious medical injuries or illness and transport those patients who need more definitive care from a hospital staff. EMS organizations can be publicly or privately operated, and can be paid or volunteer or a combination of both. Generally, EMTs practice at two different levels, basic or paramedic. EMT-Basics provide first aid and basic life support to patients, while EMT- Paramedics provide more advanced care including a wider array of medications and advanced life support measures. Here at NUEMS, our EMTs are trained to the EMT-Basic level, which allows us to deal with almost all types of medical and traumatic emergencies. We currently provide EMS coverage to sponsored events and hope to assist  local EMS agencies in providing first response care to the NU campus in the future.

Looking to become an MA EMT? 

Already an EMT, but not a MA EMT? Find out about MA reciprocity here.

Not an EMT yet? Contact us about how to get started.