Northeastern University Emergency Medical Services (NUEMS) is a volunteer, student-run organization that provides EMS coverage to Northeastern events. We are devoted to providing leadership, experiential, and educational opportunities to our members including medical education classes. 

We are also committed to members of the community through our dedication to community outreach and education. We currently offer CPR classes, a clinical lecture series, continuing education, and a BLS refresher course to the community. NUEMS is proud to have the responsibility of managing the campus AED program as well as being  recognized as a HEARTSafe Community by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

NUEMS hopes to serve the Northeastern University community in the future by providing excellent, prompt, and professional responses to all medical emergencies and ensuring a safer and healthier campus to live and learn.  

Recent News


Thank you for attending our Valentine's Day Meeting! Next week we will be having a Dispatch Lecture! Come learn about being a 911 dispatcher from Christina Giacobbe, Director of Emergency Communications for the City of Cambridge! She will review how call taking and dispatching works, as well as play some cool calls!

Thank you for attending our EMT Skills Meeting! Next week we will be having a Valentine's Day Social Meeting! The meeting will be Thursday, February 13th in 24 East Village from 7-8pm!

Thank you for attending our Exertional Heat Stroke Lecture! Next week we will be having an EMT Skills Meeting! Everyone will have a chance to practice various skills that are used in the field such as vitals, stop the bleed, and splinting! The meeting will be Thursday, February 6th in 24 East Village from 7-8pm!

Thank you for attending our Co-Op Panel! Next week we will be having an "Exertional Heat Stroke" lecture with hands on practice! The meeting will be taught by guest speaker, Chris Troyanos, who was the Medical Coordinator for the Boston Athletic Association. The meeting will be Thursday, January 30th in 24 East Village from 7-8pm!

Thank you for attending our Intro Meeting! Next week we will be having a Co-Op Panel! We will be having people who used their EMT certification to obtain a variety of Co-Ops! The meeting will be Thursday, January 23rd in 24 East Village from 7-8pm!


Thank you for attending our last meeting of the semester! Good luck for finals, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! We will announce our first meeting of the semester in the coming weeks.


Thank you for attending our Ethics Lecture. Next week there is no meeting. Happy Thanksgiving! There will be a Social Meeting on Thursday, December 5th, at 7 PM in 104 West Village G. Pizza will be provided!


Thank you for attending our De-Escalation Lecture! Next week we will be having a "Ethics Lecture."


Thank you for attending our Mental Health Lecture! Next week we will be having a "De-Escalation Lecture" taught by Rob Connolly who is the director of Emergency Management in Worcester! 


Thank you for joining us for our social meeting! Next week we will be having a Mental Health lecture by Ben Boossarangsi! Ben has been an EMT for several years! He is also an EMT instructor and lecturer! Before the meeting, we will be hosting a social coffee hour with Ben to engage and connect! There will be light refreshments provided! This will occur on Thursday, November 7th from 5-6:30pm in Curry 433!


Thank you for joining us for our restraint lecture! Next week we will be having a Social Meeting where we will be having Halloween themed olympics style activities! There will be pizza! 🍕


Thank you for joining us for our MCI Lecture!  Next week we will have a restraint training. We hope to see you there!


Thank you for joining us for our EMS employer event! We hope you enjoyed seeing the trucks as much as we did. Next week we will have an MCI Training with guest speaker Steve Wood.


Thank you for joining us for Splinting! Next week's meeting, we will have leadership from companies including ProEMS, Cataldo, Brewster, Coastal, Beauport, and Boston EMS. This is an excellent opportunity to meet employers if you would like to work in Boston as an EMT or Paramedic. We hope to see you there!

Next week's meeting is about Alcohol and Drug Related Emergencies. Please make sure to check Slack for the many volunteer opportunities available to NUEMS members.

Thank you for attending the first NUEMS meeting of the semester! Make sure you check out our membership page to sign up for the mailing list, slack, as well as our Engage! Also, please ensure to fill out the Fall 2024 Applications. Next week's meeting is a MA EMT Protocol Update lecture, on Thursday at 7 PM in 104 West Village G. We hope to see you there!

We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer and look forward to welcoming you back to Boston! Our meetings will be held on Thursdays at 7:00 PM in 104 West Village G. Fall 2024 applications are now available by clicking here.